Health and Safety Law Report

Happy Holidays! Now Get Ready for OSHA's New Electronic Reporting Requirement!

Health and Safety Law Report

Happy Holidays from the Health & Safety Law Report!  In this year's Christmas Special, Abbie and Doug discuss OSHA's new electronic reporting requirement.  Better get ready.  Electronic reports are due by March 2, 2024 for many employers.  But wait!  There's more.  Because its Christmas, Abbie and Doug talk about whether OSHA would consider mayhem at office Christmas parties to be work hazards.   Can OSHA cite the employer if the office crock pot has a frayed extension cord?  What if the company grill explodes?  And because its Christmas, Abbie and Doug conclude the episode (and the year) by exploring whether the movie Die Hard is a Christmas movie.  What do you think?  Tune in and join Abbie and Doug on this Christmas extravaganza of fun and information!