Health and Safety Law Report

Summer's Here and the Time is Right for Working in the Heat

Health and Safety Law Report

It's an invitation across the nation, a chance for folks to meet.  Following a brief hiatus, Abbie and Doug return to the airwaves to tell you about early summer important developments in health and safety law:

  • OSHA recently began using the new "instance-by-instance" penalty scheme which could dramatically increase OSHA fines.  
  • OSHA has proposed allowing unions to accompany OSHA compliance officers on OSHA inspections, even when the employer is a merit shop (non-union) employer.   
  • Recently the Occupational Safety and Health Review Commission issued a decision vacating 4 of 5 general duty clause citations levied on the United States Post Office regarding heat illness protection.
  • The 100 Deadliest Days of Driving are upon us!  A new Ohio distracted driving law severely restricts the use of cell phones in automobiles.

All this and more can be yours in this exciting episode of The Heatlh and Safety Law Report!